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Euonymus fortunei

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Euonymus fortunei
Wintercreeper euonymus

Culture: This is an easy to grow, adaptable plant, although it will not tolerate poorly drained areas. It can take full sun to heavy shade in almost any soil pH, but prefers a range of 5.5 - 6.5. This species should be pruned in early spring, and when grown in colder climates, snow cover is best to ensure hardiness.

The plant may have problems with scale, crown gall, anthracnose, powdery mildew, and leaf spot. The scale insects and crown gall disease can be quite devastating. The best strategy is to buy high quality stock from a good nursery and check it for presence of scale occasionally. If found, it must be treated before it gets out of hand. Most of the groundcover forms are vining types and have the ability to climb. This means that pruning may be necessary to keep the plant from climbing adjacent structures or plants. This species however, is not aggressive.

Usage: Depending on the cultivar or variety selected, this plant has many uses in the landscape. It is most effective as a ground cover in planters or on overhanging walls, and makes good cover for early spring bulbs. It can also be used as a vine, covering the sides of stone or brick buildings.

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©2025  Gary J. Kling, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  Christopher P. Lindsey,, NCSA
  Mark E. Zampardo, College of Lake County